Saturday, October 31, 2009

"It's just a little Hocus Pocus..."

My favorite Halloween tradition, besides dressing up, is watching the movie Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler & Sarah Jessica Parker...

So, I have a new favorite Halloween tradition-- Taking pictures of Audrey in her costume! This year, she was a little witchey-poo, and the cutest little witch I've ever seen!

We had a sequence of pictures inside-- But she wasn't very happy... So, we went outside, because she loves being outside, and we were much more successful!

Look at those eyes...

Pretty blue eyes!

Ahh, here's a smile!

Isn't she just the cutest?!

I love love love this picture with her little cue-ball head!

Grandma and Audrey

Audrey with her mama- What cute girls!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Craft Therapy: October

For our Prosper ward Relief Society, we had our first ever Craft Therapy night, where we painted cute fall pumpkins. I was in charge, and I wanted it to be an evening of crafts, chocolate, and theraputic talking amongst women-- and that's just what it was. Our first annual Craft Therapy was a huge success!

Relief Society sisters, hard at work!

Pumpkins in progress

The final product!

It was a wonderful night, and everyone had so much fun! Can't wait for the next project!

"No reserves. No retreats. No regrets" -- William Borden

It's Official...

My missionary papers were submitted to Salt Lake today by President Alleman... I should know where I'm going and when in about two weeks!

This is so surreal, I thought I would never get to this day, but here we are--- Stay Tuned!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

No Longer Sweet Sixteen...

My baby brother is no longer a baby... He's seventeen now! To celebrate, we had a Mexico-themed fiesta complete with streamers, a Piñata, and a cake!

The recipe for this delicious chocolatey goodness cake came from the amazing Cake Mix Doctor book. It was fabulous!

This is the ghetto way to do the Piñata... No strings or sticks required-- I'm glad we have such strong men in our family!

Action Shot!

The Birthday Boy in his birthday hat

and the cutest baby made even cuter! She sure does love her daddy!

Audrey with her spoils from the Piñata.

We proceeded with the gift portion of the evening, and Trev got a lot of really great things-- and Audrey? It's the simple things that amuse her, as evidenced by the pictures below:

For Christmas, I think I'm just going to get her a roll of wrapping paper-- I think it'll be the best gift ever!

Group shot //Happy Birthday, Trevor// We Love You!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

J'adore Octobre!

This is why I love October...

It is the perfect weather to be outside in, so momma, Cam, Audrey, and me went to Canton where we people can go to buy the things they never knew they wanted...
This picture pretty much says it all... It's kindoa like one big garage sale on the one side, and on the other side, people sell the things they've made-- like a big craft fair! While I loved both sides, Mom and Cam only liked the craft side!

After walking and walking and walking, we sat down to take a quick rest... Audrey was completely worn out by this point!

This is the before picture of the stroller. It has a baby in it... and that's normal.

Here's the after picture of the stroller... No baby... Lots of stuff!

Ahh, there she is-- looking cute as can be! Sassy little thing in the Sassy baby 'store'

Group shot!

Orange Pumpkins are one of my favorite things of all time. I love orange, and pumpkins wear the color so well! We went to the farmer's market Saturday and we each picked out a pumpkin!
There were lots to choose from...

Jensen family picture!

Audrey was the cutest little witchey-poo, and loved the pumpkins!

Lance was even with us :) :) :)

Family picture! It was early in the morning so the sun was in a bad spot... but I love this photo!

Look at that bird... he was just perched on the wheel!

General Conference is the first weekend of October, and i love general conference! I love conference because it's a time to listen to the Lord's prophet and apostles' counsel for us. I love conference because it is a time to spend a good solid weekend with family. I love conference because it is the most uplifting weekend of the year!

Audrey playing with Grandpa's hat... So cute!

Rock-a-bying with Uncle Trev.

...And holding on for dear life with mama.

I love October!