After a hellacious experience with a dentist from our ward in Plano, my parents decided to fly me up to Arizona to get my teeth mission-ready with my uncle's help. When he told me another apicoectomy would not be necessary and my other tooth would not have to be pulled, I just about cried because I was overwhelmed with joy. Dr. James Hamberlin with Red Mountain Endodontics redid the two root canals on the right side of my mouth. Uncle Scott did the rest. The total was just under $3000-- a lot of money, yes, but THOUSANDS less than what the dentist in Plano was saying things would cost.
Because I had such a miserable experience with the left side of my mouth (barbiturates, throwing up, crying while hoping to die on the cool tile floor by the toilet, sinus fluid draining through the hole in my gums, not remembering a full week of my life, etc.) I packed mostly pajamas, planning on being out of commission for the entirety of the week I would spend in Arizona... But I was wrong, which was a definite blessing- because we did a lot of great things that week!
I spent the first half of the week at TickTock's house. It is here I discovered her AMAZING Broccoli Salad and red chicken. She's quite the chef! I also watched the Martha Stewart Show and learned how to bake croissants... Who knew it was such a lengthy and involved process!?

The second half of the week, I spent with PapaBama, and we wrapped and finished up what little preparations we had left to get her all ready for Christmas! On the 16th was Grandpa's 1 year anniversary of moving on to his immortal state, so we went to Mesa Cemetery where we met up with Kim & Eric, Tyler & Kristen, their kids, Blake, Wes, and Mack & Lisa. We placed roses at his grave site and sang "Families Can Be Together Forever". We also visited the graves of Clinton, Clayton, Hannah, Charlene, and Alan Mark where we left roses as well. I feel so blessed to know of the plan of Salvation, I feel so blessed to understand the eternal nature of families, and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family that I will always be with.
We had a lot of fun, and at last, my dental evaluation is filled out and sent into Salt Lake!
It shouldn't be much longer 'till I know where the Lord wants me to go for the next year and a half! I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve a mission... Truly blessed :)
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