Monday, December 6, 2010

The world in solemn stillness lay to hear the angels sing...

Dear family,

What an amazing time to be alive-- especially during the cheery days of this Christmas season! I just love all the love that is being expressed between neighbors and strangers alike at this time of year. Certainly people are at their best right now and certainly this should inspire us to be at our best! Let us not get caught up in the "stuff" that is so abundantly present everywhere we look. Let us remember our Savior, Jesus Christ, through whom we can be cleansed from all sin and healed from all pain. In these days leading up to the commemoration of His birth, let us be filled with and express the love that He so freely gives us. Les this season be a time of covenant-keeping as we comfort those that stand in need of comfort, mourn with those who mourn, lift the hands of those who hang down, and remember Him always as we are more obedient to the commandments He's given us. How grateful I am for those commandments, for they truly are a source of happiness... He wants us to be happy-- we just need to come unto Him and do what he has asked us to do! He knows us, He loves us, and He hears our prayers... Let us be sure of that this season, and let us help others know this wonderful good news too. There is no better gift you could give to anyone than the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Truly, that is the 'reason for the season'. I just love this time of year!

So, speaking of Christmas-- we had sort of a Christmas miracle yesterday at church. Brenda and Tyson came to church and felt the spirit strongly. Marla and Lee and their three little guys game to church and Heavenly Father answered our prayers and helped their little boy wiggles stay REALLY calm during sacrament meeting and then they had a blast in nursery! Jeff was sick, so he wasn't there, BUT three of our members brought people who are interested in hearing more about the gospel to church yesterday.

Brother Minner, an elderly recent convert of two years, brought Becca to church-- Becca is an architect drafter who just moved into our area and brings B. Minner his meals on wheels. When he asked her to come to church with him, she accepted and she was very welcomed and fit right in! Brother Hawk brought the Vanbuskirks to church-- he works with the dad and is good friends with the rest of the family as well. They have a daughter who turns 12 on Christmas and she was a little nervous to go to YW yesterday, so she had gospel principles with us and her mom and then came to RS with us too. It was perfect because the YW were in RS for the beginning and they got to hear the YW theme which, I think, was the perfect introduction for them!

One of our young men brought his best friend to church, and it just so happened that we were over at their home Saturday night for dinner... Imagine our surprise when on Sunday morning, Alejandro (the member) and Gabe (the nonmember) came up to us and Gabe told us his mom said he could come to church every week and then asked us what he had to do to become a member... Ahh! It was really neat. Then after church, Gabe and Alejandro came and practiced for the Christmas Cantata with the choir. We told Gabe to invite his parents to church on the 19th so they could come and feel the spirit. We plan on teaching their whole family.

So many tender mercies from the Lord! He knows us and loves us and is so aware of us and our needs :)

The gospel is true. Christ lives. The gospel has been restored!


Sister Chelsea LeSueur

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