Like, really sick. So achey that even my hair follicles hurt. I bucked up and went to our ward talent show tonight with my new roomie, Alexis, and on the way, we picked up my neighbor, Dan. After the activity, he invited us over to his house for ice cream and since I have made it a point to never turn down an invitation to be social this semester, Alexis and I graciously accepted. Whilst there, the guys noticed I wasn't feeling the greatest and asked what I needed. I asked for a
priesthood blessing and that is what I got. Ryjan anointed my head with consecrated oil, set apart for the blessing and healing of the sick, and Tom gave me a beautiful blessing in which I was told that as I had faith in my body and took the necessary steps to make myself healthy that I would be blessed with the ability and strength to do all the things I need to. How grateful I am for the priesthood of our god-- the ability of man on earth to act in God's name. I am grateful for worthy men who hold this authority and for the blessings of healing, comfort, and council I have received at their hands.
The other neat aspect of this experience is that Alexis, who was baptized last year, and Dan, who was baptized three years ago, who has not yet been ordained an elder in the melchizadek priesthood, were both there. They felt the spirit, and it opened up an opportunity for me to explain to Alexis the way blessings work. Previously she had only received blessings of comfort, so for her to learn that she could call on the power of the priesthood for blessings of healing when she was sick was really fantastic.
This whole experience reminded me of
this talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks. Watch it. It's superb.
So there you have it-- I'm thankful for the Priesthood, good neighbors, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, new roommates, and teaching opportunities. Life is good-- even when you're sick.
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