Monday, July 26, 2010

Count Your Many Blessings, Name them One By One...

Hello Dear Family,

I love you tons and completely think the world of you... Thanks for being so amazing!

We were blessed to hear from a youth speaker in church yesterday and in his talk he challenged us all to make a list of 50 things we're grateful for every day for a week, then at the end of each day, say a prayer thanking Heavenly Father for these things and His wonderful benevolence. He promised that in so doing, we would be more aware of our blessings and the Lord's tender mercies in our lives... then, at the end of the week we would have a knowledge of at least 350 things we're grateful and Heavenly Father would know of our gratitude! I loved this challenge and I will be doing it this week-- I invite all of you to do this with me and notice all the blessings you have in your lives. One thing has become abundantly clear to me in these last six months and it it that Heavenly Father is so aware of us and merciful towards us--- He blesses us with things daily, but... is it really a blessing if we don't notice it?

The Ohio continues to be amazing. I love it here and with each day I come to a more perfect knowledge that this is right where I am supposed to be right now in my life!

We began teaching Alice this week. She requested a Book of Mormon while visiting Temple Square. When we delivered it to her and asked her to if she would read and and pray about it, she said, "Of course! That's why I ordered it!"

I LOVED that response! We have a return appointment this Wednesday with her! I feel so blessed to be a part of this great work!

The gospel is true and families are forever-- Of this I am SURE.
Smile... Life is too short to be grumpy. Just count your MANY blessings!

All my love,
Sister LeSueur

Monday, July 19, 2010

"In ancient days, the gospel plan was giv'n of God to men; In latter days, the gospel is restored to the earth again"

Hello wonderful family,

Wow, I have felt a particular dose of love from you all this last week-- for no in particular reason that I can see, I have just felt extra love. So, thank you for whatever you're doing... Keep it up!
Good news-- At zone conference on Thursday, President Jensen came up to Sister Lewis and me and said, "Congratulations on converting your bishop!" Well, when we looked at him with puzzled faces, he explained, "About a week after you got to Springboro, I got an email from your bishop telling me that the Springboro ward needed elders because they have 16 priests! Well, earlier this week I got another email from him telling me how wonderful the two of you are and thanking me for being inspired to put sisters in the area. Congratulations on converting your bishop!"

Pretty much, Sister Lewis and I were floating when we heard this tidbit and it was just a further testimony that prayer works and mission assignments are inspired. When we were in PEC on Sunday morning reporting about the week's work, we found out that we had gotten into two different homes that (we didn't know) are on the 'Do Not Contact' list. In both instances, we had wonderfully positive conversations with these sisters, and we look forward to serving them more and loving them back into activity. Missionary work is wonderful and inspired and I am so grateful to be a part of it!

Last night, Richard (just baptized last Saturday the 10th) and his momma, Sheila (an investigator), came with us to the Dayton Stakes Mission Fireside where President Jensen and members of the stake presidency spoke. It was a wonderfully positive experience and I know Richard and Sheila felt the spirit strongly. They have such a strong relationship and they both just want to do what's right. Despite opposition from Richard's sister, he is strong and unwavering in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Saturday night the Clawsons invited Richard's family and several other ward members over for a barbecue-- several of Richard's friends got together and bought him a leather quad and gave it to him that night. He was so excited!! Good friends are the best! Next Sunday, Sheila is having us over for lunch after church... There was talk of biscuits and gravy. I'm excited!

I know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored and I know that it's on the earth today. I know we are happy when we live the commandments. I know families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's plan. I love our Savior, Jesus Christ, and I am so grateful for His atoning sacrifice. Be happy-- The gospel is true!

Love you all TONS,
Sister Chelsea LeSueur

Monday, July 12, 2010

"The pow'rs of heav'n are opened wide to men of God below; The knowledge, gifts, and keys are ours, all blessings to bestow"

Hello wonderful family!

What a glorious day it is here in Springboro, Ohio! The sun is shining, it's delightfully humid, and a mere 87 degrees! I know you Texans and Arizonans are jealous. Don't worry-- I'm wearing nylons and between that and the humidity it feels more like 107. I'm sure I'm in good company!
It has been quite a wonderful week filled with new investigators, visiting less active members, and crowned with Richard Patterson's baptism on Saturday.

We were teaching Ed and his Fiance Carolyn this last week. We had planned just to teach about Jesus Christ and how our faith in Him affects our lives. We watched with them Finding Faith in Christ and our discussion/Carolyn's questions led perfectly into talking about the restoration. This in and of itsself is really nothing miraculous-- what is really amazing though is how Sister Lewis and I had just planned earlier that day for teaching this lesson to another investigator (Rene) right after our lesson with Ed and Carolyn. We had the lesson fresh in our minds. Right before we headed over to Ed's, Rene called and rescheduled our appointment. Because of this, we had the time to teach Ed and Carolyn the restoration, we were unified because we had planned it earlier in the day, and the spirit was in abundance. Sister Lewis bore and awesome testamony of the Book of Mormon, and Carolyn committed to read and pray. Currently, we're trying to track down a large print copy for Ed-- meanwhile, Carolyn agreed to read it to him! They invited us back for dinner this Wednesday, so I'll report on that next week!

As for Richard's baptism, what can I say? It was amazing! He had an outpouring of love and support from the ward-- particularly the youth. I was incredibly imressed with his mom who came to the baptism and was so supportive and felt the spirit in abundance. Sunday, when he was confirmed, his mom and step-dad came for the first hour and it was wonderful to see the love they have for him. We are planning a barbecue with their family and some of the other families in the ward for this saturday at the Clawson's home.

So many wonderful miracles this week... Here's some food for thought to consider this week-- a pearl of wisdom found on the wrapper of a dove chocolate: "It's only a blessing if you notice it". Take time to NOTICE your blessings this week-- then thank Heavenly Father for them :)

I love you tons!

Sister Chelsea LeSueur

ps-- BETHANY HELDT-- I need your address! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"We love to share thy holy word with quiet thought and prayer. We humbly bear thy witness, Lord, of thy redeeming name."

Hello wonderful family,

What an amazing week it has been here in Ohio! Happy July, Happy belated Independance Day, and Happy Ohio Columbus mission now including Cincinatti as of July 1 day! Isn't it amazing how much can happen in a week?!

Some more exciting news from Springboro-- Richard Patterson, an 18 year old who has been attending seminary for the last half of the year, has decided to be baptized. We met with him, asked him what the hang up was, and invited him to be baptized this Saturday the tenth of July! He accepted, and we are now working towards that day! He has invited several of the youth to participate in his baptismal service and I know it is going to be a wonderful spiritual experience for his family who is really quite supportive of his religious endeavors! His baptismal interview is today :)

We are learning how to work with this ward's leaders... I would love advice on what tactics missionaries have used in your wards to win the leaders over. I think everyone is excited that we're sisters, but no one knows what to do with us!

The time is far spent and we have a lesson at 11:00-- sorry for the terseness of this email, but I love this work, I love this gospel, and I love my savior!

Consequently, I would also love some mail...

Have a super week and do some missionary work in your corner of God's vineyard :)

Sister Chelsea LeSueur