Monday, February 7, 2011

Teach me, Lord, to be a shepherd; Father, help me feed thy sheep

Hello sweet family,

Well, it's been quite the week here in the Ohio Columbus Mission-- one that I'm quite glad is over! Between being snowed in, sick, finding a GREY hair, and driving (or rather, sliding) on ice... I am learning (and experiencing) first hand that "there must needs be opposition in all things". We must be snowed in to appreciate going out, we need sickness every so often to help us realize how blessed we are to have good health. I guess a grey hair is the Lord's way of helping me focus on... well, I'm still trying to figure out the lesson behind that one. And as far as the ice goes, I guess it was a very humbling experience to have to call our ward mission leader while standing in the middle of an iced over Ohio cornfield as our car was lodged into three inches of ice. Yes, lessons are being learned, attitudes are being shaped, and tender mercies are found in abundance. The Lord is so aware of us and our needs, and for that I am completely grateful.
Last week, I spoke of Regina Parsons, a friend of Marla and Carla's who we were beginning to teach. This week we invited her to be baptized on February 19th, and she is so so excited. She was brought to church yesterday be some members who live not too far from her, and I hope they will be able to develop a friendship.

It was fast and testimony meeting yesterday, and about half way through the meeting, Carla stood and bore her testimony-- she spoke from the heart and talked of the great change that came about in her life when she began learning about the gospel. She said, "before I was found, I was hopeless, I had given up on so many things. But I am so grateful that I have found a church and that I know I can have a forever family." Umm... I definitely felt the overwhelming joy that is spoken of in the scriptures when you help another come unto a knowledge of the gospel. Carla has had so many terrible experiences and she is overcoming them through her knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She is glowing! Later on in the meeting Marla stood to bear her testimony and spoke of how the ward has helped her feel at home and how the gospel has changed and saved her family. She spoke to the happiness and peace that comes from the Book of Mormon, and how prayer has become such a huge priority in her life. I said a silent prayer, thanking Heavenly Father for allowing me to hear these wonderful testimonies borne by women whom I love so much.

I love this gospel. I love the change it brings about in peoples' lives. I love the Book of Mormon-- we need it as much as we need oxygen. We need to study it daily as individuals, as families, and as couples. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ-- he truly is our Redeemer, and I am eternally humbled by and grateful for His sacrifice and death on my behalf. God is love. Families are forever. Missionary work is joy.

Have a happy week :)

Sister Chelsea LeSueur

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