Monday, May 17, 2010

Ne'er despairing though defeated, God speed the right!

Hello everyone... I love you!!

It's been a great week... crazy busy and super long, but wonderful nonetheless!

Transfers were Thursday-- Sister Parry got transferred down to Greenfield and Sister Seibel got transferred up from Greenfield! Sister Seibel is wonderful... She's from Boise, Idaho and she's been out 10 months. This is her third area, Miamisburg over by Dayton being her first. She has a fraternal twin and is the youngest out of her three other sisters-- the only one to serve a mission. She's known she has wanted to be a missionary since she was 14! She's an amazing cellist and will be finishing her degree at Boise State when the mish is through. She's got a guy, Ted, back home... They met three months before she left for Ohio and they're really cute together. She's wonderful and very diligent and we've already done some wonderful work together... I'm so excited to work with her!! :)

Friday was our first full day together and it was so weird... I've spent 2016 hours during the last 3months with one companion and all of a sundden she was gone-- CRAZY!! But we got our weekly planning done and then went out to Pataskala to visit our people out there. We had an amazing lesson with Nancy about Family history and temple work. She got all excited to participate in it, it was wonderful! Then we tracted. Oh man, I wish people knew what they were turning down when they say they're not interested. Does anyone have any tips for a tracting missionary?

We found out that Sister Schofield ( a less active member) needed help disinfecting her house from the hand foot and mouth disease her little ones had contracted, so that's what we did for a good chunk of time Saturday... Disinfected!

Sunday was wonderful... but time is now out. I love you all... Thanks for your love and prayers!

Love, Sister Chelsea LeSueur

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