Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Seven Days

My sister's birthday is officially one week from today... and just to be clear, the grandmas are here to celebrate her birth too!
Here's a list of seven (one for each day) reasons why I love her... A birthday countdown, if you will:
  1. Someone had to be the first child in our family, and I think she's handled the task quite beautifully-- better than Trevor or I would have!
  2. She has overcome a lot of trials, and seeing her become a happier stronger person is inspiring to me.
  3. Cam is so great at crafts-- a lot of the time her crafty endeavors turn out better than mine because she actually follows the directions!
  4. Watching her be in the world but not of the world while we were growing up (and now) really set a good example for little Chelsea to follow.
  5. We're really good at scheming together... especially when we're teaming up against Trevor!
  6. She knows everything.
  7. When we were little and other kids were mean to me, my sister was always there to stand up for me and push their bikes down a ravine.
I love you, Cam... Thanks for being you! :)

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