Monday, June 28, 2010

As I walk daily here on earth, give me thy sprit as I seek a change of heart, another birth, and grow, dear Lord, to be like thee.

Well hello dear family!

I hope this email finds you all healthy, wealthy, and well! I have been thinking a lot about you all lately-- I have definitely felt your prayers this week with the news of the transfer and the calling to train. All the insecurities I have felt about being doubled into a new area have been calmed by the kind hand of the Lord and by my knowlege of the amazing family I come from with "strong & in-de-pen-dAnt wo-men" who can do anything that comes their way! Thanks for the strength, ladies!

Here I am in Springboro, Ohio, training Sister Aubin Lewis from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Elders have been here for the last two years, and for the most part have done a stellar job. It made us feel really loved though, because most every one was thrilled that there were new sisters in the ward! That's what it means to be 'doubled into' an area-- both missionaries who have previously been serving there are transfered somewhere else and two new missionaries are put it. Being an elder's area for the last two years, I'm sure you can imaging what kind of condition the apartment was in... Boys are gross is all I will say about that.

This is my address... I LOVE/NEED mail! :)
(For safety reasons we aren't posting her address here. Please leave a comment with your email address if you want Chelsea's mailing address and we will send it to you!)

The ward here is wonderful and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with these wonderful people! It's a cute area with big houses that remind me of those in Texas. Very different from Newark, but I know this is where I need to be. The Lord is so wonderful how he works that out--- Even though I wasn't ready to leave Moundbuilders, He knows this is what I need at this point in my life/mission!

Sister Lewis and I both feel very strongly about reactivation efforts. Because she's a new missionary, she has a lot of faith that we can move mountains here and her enthusiasm is contageous! It's really refreshing to have that brand new missionary perspective... Like I said-- The Lord knows exactly what we need if we will just quit fighting against Him, he'll lead us exactly where we need to go!

I'll definitely have more specific events and people to report on next week... But as for now, just know that I am happy and well. I love being a missionary. I love the gospel. I love my family... The gospel is so so true!!

Sister Chelsea LeSueur

Monday, June 21, 2010

"In the Name of Christ Our Savior, Did You Sue for Loving Favor as a Shield Today"

Hello everyone from The humidly HOT Ohio!

This week has been quite a week... and this next week is going to be crazy too! We have transfers this Thursday and I can't believe I have been out here for four and a half months! I don't feel like a 'greenie' anymore! I just hope I don't leave Moundbuilders yet... I feel like I'm just getting started-- but just in case, if you have any mail, send it to the PO box:
PO Box 939
Powell, Ohio 43065

This week we had a Stake Priesthood Leadership Training meeting and I was in attendance. It was kind of funny being one of two women there... but as a sister missionary, I'm getting used to being outnumbered!

It was really a wonderful meeting-- We're formulating new ways to help our ward mission program more successful and there was someone there who previously had implemented a ward plan that emulated a real mission with zones and zone leaders who's focus was the less active members in the ward. I thought that was genius and I'll spend the rest of my mission being a cheerleader and promoter of that!

WONDERFUL NEWS-- Tevon is getting baptized THIS Saturday! She went to girls camp last week and received the answer to her prayers that she should get baptized on the 26th. I know this is going to be exactly what she needs and I'm so excited! There's even talk about her going on a mission in two years! If for no other reason, I needed to be here in Ohio to meet that wonderful girl!! Keep her in your prayers--- Satan works really hard on people the week before they make covenants with our Heavenly Father!

I am so encouraged. The gospel is wonderful and SO VERY TRUE! I am so grateful I have this knowledge and I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who answers prayers. I know He is there and He knows what we need. I know if we work really hard in this life we can be happily with our families for eternity! I love being a missionary for the Lord-- He is so good to me! Who will you share the gospel with this week? Your brothers and sisters are waiting...

I love you!

Sister Chelsea LeSueur

Monday, June 14, 2010

"Yes, Say What is Truth? 'Tis the Brightest Prize to Which Mortals or Gods Can Aspire."

It's the middle of June. Can you believe it? It's the middle of June!! The first day of summer is coming up next week, though based on the humidity here, I thought summer set in a long time ago... Never mind that though, I'm a Texan and I thrive in humid weather! I just need to realize that long sleeves and sweaters don't so much fly anymore as fare as wardrobe choices go! When will I learn?

So, we have been trying to meet with Whitney Stevens and her husband-- I can't remember if I told y'all about her-- we met her tracting and she said she really wanted to meet with us but she was completely taken down by the flu... She told us to come back, so we did about a week or so later. When we talked to her that time, she wasn't too interested in the message, but you know me-- I can talk for ever to anyone, so I did and it was after we really got to know her she invited us back. When we came back for the third time, we taught her and her 4 yr old and her 20 month old the restoration-- despite all the distractions that come with the little ones, we all felt the spirit really strongly. We left her with a copy of the Book of Mormon and asked her to read and pray about it. She told us that her husband (whos mom is a recent convert in Oregon) was interested in meeting with us but his work schedule is crazy busy-- we set up an apointment for yesterday to meet with their whole family all together. Well, when we got there yesterday, we found out that her little girl has a highly contageous staph infection... she had been in the hospital for the last three days. So, we had to reschedule. Whitney's husband made the comment that he thinks the new home they moved into is cursed because it's just been one thing after another since they moved in... When we got in the car, we decided the adversary is just trying really hard to keep them from learning the things that will make their family happy and together forever. Well, he isn't going to succede without a fight... Please keep the Stevens family in your prayers!

I love you all. I love this gospel. I love being a missionary-- Thanks for all your prayers and examples... Now, go out and do some good wherever you may be today!

Siste Chelsea LeSueur

Monday, June 7, 2010

"Awake, ye Saints of God, awake! Call on the Lord in Mighty Prayer..."


I hope you've been worried about me-- there has been a lot of tornadoey weather! But never fear... I am still alive! There are a lot of broken trees and such all around Newark, a lot of people need new roofs, and many a tree-dented car, but your cute sister missionary withstood the storm :)

Yesterday was fast Sunday, and as happy as I was for the opportunity to fast and such, I knew Dave Moran and Tevon would both be at church, and sometimes us Mormons with our loose cannon mouths can make a missionary worry! I prayed that it would be a great uplifting testimony meeting and, indeed it was! The Lord hears and answers our prayers, and awesomely enough, there seemed to be a theme during the meeting about prayer! That is exactly what both Tevon and Dave need right now. The Lord knew what they needed and prompted our wonderful ward to share their testimonies of prayer! How grateful this simple experience made me for a loving Heavenly Father who is so involved in and concerned with His children's lives!

Sister Seibel and I continue to find... I'm liking tracting more and more-- they say you get your best stories from tracting and I think that is definitely the truth! I continue to learn a lot from my wonderful companion... I know that we really are supposed to be together right now. Come to find out, she's a lot like my lovely sister and once I realized that, I knew better what to make of a lot of the situations we find ourselves in! I really love her and I'm so grateful for mission companionships!

I know the gospel is true with all my heart. I know we can be completely changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know families are together forever.

I love being a missionary! Thanks for your prayers, they are SO felt! <3

Sister Chelsea LeSueur

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Count your many blessings every doubt will fly and you will be singing as the days go by!

Hello all you wonderful people! I hope you're all doing well and feeling the Lord's smile on you in whatever little corner of the world you may chance to be in right now!

Ohio is wonderful-- Although, I thought I was back in Texas last night with our Tornado warning, super strong winds, and power outage last night! Hah, we were at the church for our correlation meeting and so were all the kids for mutual and it was so funny to hear them talk/freak out when the sirens started going. I very calmly tried to explain to them that the sirens are only a precaution... it doesn't actually mean a tornado is heading straight for us! But... It's more fun to freak out, so I wasn't too offended when my advice wasn't whole-heatedly taken! When we got to our apartment, we were surprised to find that we had no power! So we watched the storm for a while and then talked as we were in bed... the power didn't come back on 'till 3:00 in the morning! This morning, we saw several trees with big branches that had been broken off. That always makes me feel so sad to see that! We must have had some pretty strong winds!

This week was great! David Moran came to church on Sunday. He was only able to stay for Sacrament, but he loved it! We extended July 3rd as a baptismal date to him and he's praying about it-- so, Ill keep you posted! He's really moving right along in his reading... He's at the end of 2 Nephi already!

We have started teaching a woman, Joyce Heckmann, and she seems really interested. We'll be teaching her the Plan of Salvation on Friday!

There's this interesting phenomenon up here... It's called 'Summer Snow'. Any guesses as to what it is? it's the 'cotton' from the Cottonwood trees! It's the craziest thing... It blows around up here like crazy and if you're just looking out the window, it really does look like it's snowing! I <3 Ohio!

I love this great work. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love the healing power the Atonement has in our lives. I love my family. I have so many blessings!

Love you tons!
Sister Chelsea LeSueur