James Beard immortalized those words about bread, and I wholeheartedly agree. However, I would like to make one small addendum- “Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods;
and good bread with fresh homemade jam, the greatest of feasts.”
That's right... On Thursday we implored the genius of my Grandma Jones to teach us LeSueur girls the tricks behind making homemade, whole wheat bread. A time-consuming feat, fresh bread just out of the oven is is totally worth the effort!
Here, Mom and Grandma are beginning the process of mixing the ingredients.
My mom remembers Grandma, from her childhood, standing on a stool to kneed the bread- true to form, she asked for a stool and really got rough with that dough! This is an especially good pastime if you have anger issues you need to work through!
Little Miss Audrey was so amused by watching Grandma at work... She couldn't take her eyes off of Grandma J!
My mama, putting the bread into the oven-- ever so carefully so as to not let it fall!
Three loaves, topped with oatmeal and barley, soundly baking in the oven.
Look at those beautiful loaves!
Here's my daddy, enjoying the fruits (literally) of our labor! Dinner was bread and jam :)For your viewing pleasure, here's some advice and a story about baking bread:
Thanks, Grandma Jones, for teaching us all about the fine art of baking bread-- Another successful mother-in-zion lesson for the journals (or blogs)!
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