It was a good week- here are the highlights:
1. The weather today is so beautiful. 75 degrees. Not a cloud in the sky on this bright and sunny day. Love it :)I've been really grateful this last week for my family. And the gospel. And the blessings we can receive if we always keep the temple in sight. I love all that I have and all that I am--
2. Lance got home from Baylor. We went on a date to Chili's and then to the Angelika theatre to see Sunshine Cleaning. Good food. Good movie. AMAZING Company! Nick also got home this week from CA/his uncle's wedding in New Orleans. We went shopping before I had to be at work, all the while listening to the summertime CD he made me!
3. Ashley, Spencer, and Sophie arrived Thursday to get Spencer all moved into the apartment in Richardson where he'll be staying while he has his summer internship in Dallas. I've had so much fun playing with their daughter, Sophie-- I see architecture in her future-- She has become quite the Lego-tower-builder/Linkin' Logs-house-constructor! Sophie and Buddy have become best friends these last couple of days... Even if she does boss him around!
4. I got to stay with Grace and Linus Saturday till this morning while their parents were out of town. I have been watching them for the last six years- They're such a wonderful family, and we always have the best time together! Last night we watched "Bedtime Stories" with Lance and Nick after spending some time in the pool. It was a fun night staying in!
5. I started my dolly on Friday- you know, the one I bought the pattern for at the beginning of May... Ashley came to my rescue when she saw me cutting the pattern apart because she helped me realize the pattern doesn't have to be cut flawlessly on its own. It's perfectly acceptable to pin the jaggedly-cut pattern to the fabric and cut the pieces out nicely as you cut the cloth to the shapes it needs to be. What a wonderful tip!

I am truly blessed.Even if I am the middle-child
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