Hath often crossed me on my way,
On Saturday, Bethany, Lance, and I drove twenty minutes to Carthage, IL. It was here Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were killed by a cowardly group of men with painted faces. The two leaders of 'The Mormons' were being held in the Carthage, IL jail under false and shady charges. When the mob stormed the jail, the four men, including John Taylor and Willard Richards, were sitting ducks for the angry men who had guns. Hyrum was shot in the face through the door and was immediately killed. Joseph, who was sitting on the window ledge, was shot and fell through the window. John Taylor was saved by the bullet that hit his pocket watch and stopped it from piercing his heart. He would go on to become the third president of the church. After the mob left the room John would save Willard Richard's life by dragging and hiding him under a pile of straw in the cell next to them. This was the most sobering part of our Nauvoo trip.
Bethany volunteered to take a survey about her Carthage experience and as a 'thank you' received a Mo-Tab 'Priase to the Man' CD...
Before we headed back to Nauvoo to see the senior missionary show, Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo, we stopped for lunch at The Towne House Restaurant. An interesting experience... The food wasn't great, the service wasn't great, and then the thought occured to me-- we were supporting the town that killed Joseph Smith. So, anything that was good was spoiled by that thought... Lame, huh?
Jesus annointed that Prophet and Seer.
Blessed to open the last dispensation,
Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.
Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven!
Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.
Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren;
Death cannot conquer the hero again.
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