Happy Forth of July! I have been reflecting on our Great Country and the many blessings living here affords us. My heart is so full of gratitude for our forefathers and all the sacrifices they made on our behalf. We truly are a blessed nation!
In true Mormon fashion, we started this patriotic day with a delicious pancake breakfast at the Old
{new} Celina Park with our ward family. With bishop Platt manning the pancake making/flipping/serving, we had a great time fraternizing with everyone in an outside of church environment!

Lance came with us, and this is a group shot!

A little sibling love!

This is the fun of living in a small town... The fire department was there cleaning their engine. Because they had the water blaster already in use-- they sprayed all the little kids who were only too happy to get wet and run around
in true summer fashion.
We decided that Lance was celebrating the Irish independence day... in a sea of red, white, and blue-- he stuck out all day like a green thumb!

Trevor looks Asian in this picture... We're going to start calling him Mr. Chu.
In true LeSueur fashion, we kept up with our Independence Day tradition and went to the FC Dallas soccer game. They played the New York Red Bulls, and we won 2-1! This is the third consecutive year we've cheered on the Dallas hoops for the Fourth of July!

This was our little star-spangled banner! Her first professional sporting event was a soccer game! She loved it... except for the cheering. She wasn't a big fan of the loud noises!

This was Brianna's first soccer game. Trevor was giving her a play-by-play the whole time...

My hunny-bear and me :)
In true Frisco fashion, the fireworks show following the game was great!

Audrey, while unsure of the big booming sound of the fireworks, loved looking at them! Her mama sang in her ear the whole time to help her feel safe :)

This is the whole fourth of July gang...
We had a lot of fun together!
(We always do!)
Happy Fourth of July!
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