"A musical drama documented from histories and journals of early Nauvoo residents. Performed by college students from around the nation, High Hopes and River Boats is a terrific, family friendly show that introduces young and old to the history of Nauvoo.
Enjoy stories taken straight from the journals of early Saints as they came to Nauvoo to establish the "City of Joseph." Hear the crack of the ice as they cross the Mississippi River, hear the whistle of the steamboats in the land of new immigrants, and cheer for the handsome young men as they woo beautiful young women!"
Brook was one of the "beautiful young women" being wooed in the show. After the show, we stuck around and bethany got to chat with brook for a few minutes! She introduced us to her companion, told us about the auditioning process, told us how much she has absolutely loved being a performing missionary, and exclaimed to bethany, "You're a girl, I'm so excited I can hug you!!" It was wonderful meeting her!
Bethany and Brooke after the show.
This is the 'whisteling and whittling' song. When some unsavory charactors began to move into Nauvoo, the men of the city devised an intimidation plan involving young boys with large jackknives who would follow these starangers' every move, whisteling a tune and whittling on their block of wood until the shady person realized them and their bad intentions were not welcome in Nauvoo and left the city. This was an ingeneous non-violent means of protecting the city after the government took away their charter of protection. Truely inspired.
Another picture from the show, this is when they find out they must leave Nauvoo. Everyone sang a comforting hymn as they put their faith in God and His plan for them. This was a wonderful uplifting show- When you're in Nauvoo, make sure to see it!
The Other show we saw was Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo. It told the stories of many saints before and during the exodus from Nauvoo into the West. The senior missionaries we had seen all day for two days at the sites were the performers, and they did such a wonderful job! Watch this short clip, and you'll get a good feel for the show :)
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