Friday, June 19, 2009

Some Great Pictures of A Great Girl

My darling little niece became a quarter of a year old on Sunday. Yes, Audrey is three months old-- that's so crazy to me because I feel like she's been a part of the family forever! Well, I guess technically she has... but we won't get into deep doctrine here! Another time, another place!

Anywho, like with any other momentous occasion in our family- be it big or small- we celebrated by taking pictures! Audrey has become quite the animated little soul in the last three months! It's so much fun to see her smile and giggle! Here are some of the cute shots (even if I am still playing with editing and colors) I got Sunday.

She's such a great girl!
Laughing :-D

Conversing with Grandma. She's such a talker! (You know this is Grandma because you can note the bling...)

I love this look on her face!

She LOVES "flying"!

So, I've been sitting on these pictures for a month now-- the following are photos from her two month "glamor shots" session!

Family pictures-- this was the only one I really liked... but I really like it a lot!

LOVE this dress! The white embroidery just adds so much to the red dress! Oh, and so does the cute little girl who's in it! The shoes were a gift from Grandma who bought them on the first baby clothes shopping trip waaay back in September at Janie and Jack. They are the cutest little leather shoes ever. Cam-- be prepared to share with my little ones!

She looks like she's smirking at a secret...

I think the secret was that she was about to loose it... Even when she's "lost it" she's still as cute as can be!

And in her momma's arms, she's happy again. I'm pretty sure I've gotten this look from her daddy when he's "done" taking pictures...

This one, I love...

What an amazing family I have-- I love you Miss Audrey Kate Jensen! Thanks for making our wonderful family an even better one! :)

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