We spent Christmas morning at Tick-Tock's house, and we were so excited because Tanner also got to be there for our Christmas morning festivities!
This is the
'before' shot of the present room.
we were never allowed to go into Grandma's 'pretty' room EXCEPT for on Christmas. I still feel rather privileged when I go in her living room... and I still hear
my mom's voice from my younger years echoing in my head,
"Chelsea, no no touch!"

Cam's favorite thing from her youth was
the kitchen set she got one Christmas-- so this year, Santa brought Audrey her very own kitchen!

Cam and Kevin got
Rock Band to go with the Wii they got each other for Christmas! We were ALL really excited for this one!

Cami got a beautiful 12''
marble Christus statue from Mom and Dad

Tanner can now cheer on the Suns in his very own #13 Steve Nash jersey!
He's a BIG fan of the Suns!

Tick-Tock gave Trevor and me
snuggies. They are awesome!

Audrey got not one, but
TWO Elmos this year. One that sings and talks when his mouth is opened, and a tickle-me-elmo. She was ecstatic... it was
the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Uncle Scott compiled
a book of letters my grandpa wrote him the last year of his life while Uncle Scott was up at BYU. This is the gift that topped them all this year. Daddy has loved reading all the things his dad did and thought. It is also proving as
a good memory-jogger as he has remembered doing a lot of things with his dad as he reads what grandpa wrote about them!

This is
the 'after' picture at Tick-Tock's. What a mess!
After a bit of a clean up, we headed over to Graandma Jones' for her Christmas day party with all the Jones clan!

The tree was
decorated beautifully, and all the
hard work we did over the summer was spread underneath it!

For the uncles, we put Grandpa's missionary picture next to the poem he wrote entitled
Our Sons the Elders. Grandpa was such a great writer, and I think this particular gift
meant a lot to his sons!

When mom discovered the teapot Grandma uses to boil water in was rusty, she decided to prevent her mom from ingesting all that extra iron in her daily callie and get her a new rustless teapot!
Here she is with her cute red kettle!
This is a
Jones grandchild and great-grandchild must. I'm pretty sure if we looked hard enough we could find a picture of every single one of us as babies playing with our reflection in the mirror above Grandma's couch in the living room. Now Audrey has one!

These kiddos were too cute
playing with and watching the cows in the field behind Grandma's house!
We all LOVE our cousins!
And here we all are Christmas night! The
festivities of the day sure did wear us out- but spending such a
special holiday with such
special people simply can't be beat!
Merry Christmas!
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