Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thank You, Officer Power-Trip!


I just dropped Anne-Marie off in the great city of Celina, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature man and eight flashing lights in my rear-view mirror! What was my crime, might you ask? For I asked the same-- speeding? No... 41 miles exactly. Stop completely at the stop sign? Check and check! What ever could it be at 12:00 midnight that these flashing lights could be coming after me for? I pull over as I'm blinded by the light:

"Is there a problem, Officer?"
I sheepishly ask.

"Well, is there a reason you didn't use your blinker when making that right hand turn out of the neighborhood back there?"

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's true... I was pulled over by a bored, power-tripping police man at midnight on a back country road after failing to turn on my blinker as I was turning out of a remote neighborhood in a small Texas town.


Luckily, I was graced with a mere warning from Officer Power-Trip as he cautioned me to be wary of turning on my blinker at least 100 feet before turning in the future.

Thank you, kind Officer, for protecting our community from dangerous non-blinker using drivers like me!

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