I began working at On the Border summer of 2008 when I got home from Utah. I applied at this particular because my good friend, Serena, was a server there, and I needed some sort of incoming cash flow. I was hired as a food runner, and got to be dang good at my job. When the summer was over, I went to TCU for the fall semester. Spring semester, I came back home to experience internship preschool life at AppleCreek Private Preschool, and again, I needed a job with some sort of cash flow, and asked for my job at OTB back and
they were thrilled to see my smiling face again! I began working in February as a server, became a trainer in May, and had my last day there today. I met a lot of wonderful people here, learned a lot of valuable people skills, and was able to
save a dollar or two too! Here are some pictures of my last day as a waitress... for now!

These were my
trusty clod-hopping Frankenstein shoes... Yes, that IS a hole in the toe!

Michael and Lindsay,
two of my favorite people!
Kyle went to Baylor, just like Lance, played soccer, just like Trevor, and is a Theatre nerd, just like me. We had lots to talk about-- plus, he knows just about every random useless fact you could ever be curious about...
Just don't get him started on Alice in Wonderland!

Michael and Austin--
two more of my faves!
a Chelsea picture-- Here I am with Chelsea K.

And it's
a Lindsay picture-- Lindsay W. and Lindsay M.

It was Lindsay W.'s last day too... She got
saran-wrapped to the chair and spun around...

This is Russ... He just graduated from
Plano West (like me), was a
theatre nerd (like me), and is a
server (like me). He's basically the boy version of me but three years younger!

Isa and Michael.
Isa is so amazing-- she's one of the cutest people I know!

And here we are...
Last day buddies!
On the Border was definitely a blessing of a job to have-- Thanks for the memories guys :)
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