This year, our family was blessed enough to be able to spend the holidays together. We certainly have missed each other these last two years-- Christmas 2007 Cam and Kevin spent with his family in Florida while the rest of us were soccer tournamenting it up at Trevor's Disney tournament & Christmas 2008 we were all completely split up with Cam and Kevin in Plano, Dad and Trevor tournamenting it up in Florida, and Mom and me spending time with family together in Arizona.
Our Christmas Vacation began Sunday evening with
all SEVEN of us piling into our beautiful new suburban. This is what we looked like:

We left Plano around 8:00 at night, and
in order to keep three boys happy, we stopped at Taco Bell for some dinner before we actually hit the road...

Group Shot
Audrey's new thing is signaling
'touchdown!'... just in time for college bowl season!

After driving
through the night, here's a morning shot of the Jensens in the back seat of the suburban. This is right before we grabbed
breakfast at the McDonalds in Wilcox, Arizona.
Audrey was a champ and slept through the whole night!
Here we are, after breakfast...
looking like the grapes of wrath. Oh dear- good thing no one reads this!
We arrived in Mesa around 2:00 Monday afternoon after driving straight through. It was nice to get out of the car and s-t-r-e-t-c-h--o-u-t!
Trevor was in such a pleasant mood the whole trip... He even helped unload the car at tick-tock's house!Tuesday, we were
thrilled to meet up with Richard and Letitia along with two of their kiddos, Matthew and Elizabeth.
We hardly ever get to see them, so playing catch-up was nice! They're such a
darling little family!
group shot!
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