Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Blazin' Challenge

The Challenge:
Eating 12 super tongue-burningly hot buffalo wings in 6 minutes at Buffalo Wild Wings

The Rules:
  • no drinking of any beverages
  • no eating other foods (such as ranch, bleu cheese, or celery)
  • no wiping the sauce off of the hands or face.

The Reward:

  • YOUR name and picture placed on the Blazin' Challenge wall
  • The opportunity to buy a "Blazin' Challenge" T shirt.
  • Pride and dignity
Could YOU do this?
Lance sure could... and DID as a matter of fact!

He had to sign a waiver beforehand...

...saying he understood the rules ad Buffalo Wild Wings is not responsible for any health problems incurred as a result of the Blazin' Challenge.

Here he is... Ready to take on the freshly-cooked wings... How brave!

Count 'em... twelve. Not only were they smothered with super hot wing sauce, but they were just cooked, so they were temperature hot too!

Feeling the burn of the first nine, here's Lance on his last three!

And... Success!

What a man,
What a man,
What a man,
What a mighty good man!

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